包容、多样性 & 公平:有用的链接

贴在 2021年5月12日星期三 | IAB英国

As part of IAB英国’s commitment to inclusion, 多样性和平等, 我们汇集了一份公司名单,以帮助您创建更具包容性和支持性的工作文化.


媒体的信任 is a communications charity that believes in the power of media to change lives. Its aim is to encourage the media and creative industry to share their time, knowledge and creativity to benefit charities, under-represented communities and young people. 媒体的信任 specifically runs programmes to encourage young, diverse talent to develop their confidence, passions and talents for the work place.

布里克斯顿精修学校 is the winner of Britain's Best Digital Skills and Inclusion project 2019. 这个免费的, 为期10周的课程将原始人才转变为入门级候选人,在数字领域的知名赞助公司担任一系列受保护的职位, 传媒及创意产业. 重点是BAME/女性/神经多样性/收入困难的个人谁想要加速他们的数字, 创意和专业技能. It's taught by the best in the industry through a series of lectures, 针对, 'real world' experiences and Google online learning. Bursaries are available to fund living costs while individuals study. 的 2018 cohort had 95% employment 12 weeks after graduation. 

Focused on making the creative world of work more diverse and inclusive, 创意导师网络 runs a mentoring model where everyone wins. 该网络为英国各地的年轻人和代表性不足的社区提供了就业机会, coaching skills for employees and access to diverse talent.

A youth-led creative network based in London, Livity is a specialist youth 市场营销 agency.

创造性的访问 是否有一家英国机构专门招聘BAME人才和来自较低社会经济地位背景的创意产业人才. It is aimed at helping young people, from under-represented communities throughout the UK, 获得创造性职业. Working with UK’s most successful creative firms, 创造性的访问通过带薪实习和雇主培训,帮助企业引进不同的人才.

Formerly known as the WACL Future Leaders Awards, the WACL才艺奖 is a grant scheme for future female leaders working in media, 市场营销, 广告与传播. 它是由 WACL 与小伙子合作.

一项职业发展计划,旨在解决创意行业的种族失衡问题. 我们是条纹 为不同种族的创意人才创造和增加机会,教育他们进入行业,并支持目前在行业中的BAME个人的职业发展. Whilst supporting organisations through consultancy, 事件, sourcing diverse talent and role model visibility.’

全民媒体 是为了帮助布莱克的, 亚洲和其他种族的人才在媒体和广告行业蓬勃发展,最终增加了英国媒体和广告行业的种族多样性.

”+网络 他们的存在是为了让这个行业完全包容LGBTQ+. 的y provide 培训 and development resources, 辅导计划, deliver an awards initiative and host a Slack channel.



MyPlus 帮助雇主招聘, support and develop disabled talent, with a particular focus on students and graduates. 通过招聘者俱乐部, it offers advice and support by way of 培训, 协作事件和工具包, 还有机会通过学生俱乐部网站与残疾学生交流.

霍布斯咨询公司 支持个人在工作场所做真实的自己,并帮助企业创造一种文化来支持这一点. 认识到创建多元化和包容性的组织不一定是一条容易的道路, 这家咨询公司帮助企业应对这种复杂性,并学习每个人都能进入包容性领导力所需的技能.

一个社会企业,其目标是使患有神经多样性疾病的人能够在工作和职业生涯中发挥其潜力. 天才在 provides in-work support in the form of coaching, 培训 and assessments. It also supports neurodiverse people who are not in the workplace; whether they’re studying, unemployed or in the criminal justice system.

创意= is an organisation championing diversity and inclusion in the creative industries. 它的创意, 数字+媒体平等标准是衡量组织文化表现的标志认证. 创意= offers 培训 to build inclusive cultures, 举办的活动包括神经多样性的多元化思维和包容性创造力的崛起, and drives programmes to address industry gaps, including the Creative Comeback Programme. 

柑橘Ornge is a specialist performance 市场营销, 技术, 出版公司的核心是社会使命——通过与布莱顿和霍夫当地社区合作伙伴的几项工作经验和指导计划,为前罪犯和戒毒人员创造就业机会.

包容的董事会 一家专注于治理层面多元化和包容性的高管猎头机构,是否支持企业组建更多元化的董事会.

AbilityNet 是一家相信数字技术的力量应该惠及所有人的英国慈善机构吗, 不论能力或年龄. With free online resources and a network of over 300 community-based volunteers, they help individuals with any disability, 任何年龄, to use all kinds of digital 技术. 他们全年举办活动和培训,以帮助确保组织及其工作场所和资源的可访问性,重点关注“如何”和“为什么”。.


一群来自户外媒体领域的媒体所有者和专业机构, 平衡 致力于推动整个户外广告行业的多元化文化,并为该行业吸引和培养最优秀的人才.

转移话题 是一项鼓励和支持变革和授权的倡议,以扩大绩效营销行业的声音.


边缘 (Black Representation in Marketing)
这是一个跨行业的倡议,旨在提高黑人在市场营销中的代表性. 边缘 is supported by the Advertising Association, and has been developed in partnership with advertisers and agency partners, leading 成员s of the Black community and DE&我专家. 它为整个行业如何支持黑人在市场营销中的公平代表提供了指导.

D.I.C.E(多样性 & Inclusion at Conferences and 事件)

骰子 提供认证和指导,以帮助会议和活动提供具有代表性和多样化的演讲者, 视角, 和与会者. Conference and 事件 organisers can sign up to D.I.C.并遵守规则 骰子宪章.

劳务和退休金部的 残疾有信心 scheme allows employers to sign up for 工具 and support to help them recruit, retain and develop disabled people, making the most of their skills and potential. Scheme 成员ship give employers access to a wide range of information, 最佳实践和其他资源, including links to programmes such as access to work, to help business realise the benefits of inclusive employment.

的 national charity for people with autism, 对自闭症的野心 provides education and employment services, understanding and campaigns for change.

英国阅读障碍协会 is the voice for the 10% of the population that are dyslexic. Offering support including helping employers to support employees better.

All In Hub
All In Hub 广告行业之家的行动计划是为了让这个行业更具包容性和多样性吗. It was born out of the All In Census, 这是英国广告协会发起的首个也是最大的全行业调查, 异丙醇, ISBA和Kantar提供了关于英国广告从业人员的代表性和经验的见解. “全面行动计划”列出了行业的重点领域,以实现更大的包容性,并对那些完成所有行动的公司予以认可.

小伙子 is the advertising and media industry's wellbeing charity. 他们提供免费的职业指导, confidential advice and mental health support as well as a calendar of talks, 事件 and 针对 to help everybody in the industry progress and network.

How to ensure Libraries Are Diverse, Equitable and Inclusive
我们知道有兴趣在我们行业工作的学生使用这些资源,并且 这个特殊的链接 was provided by a student with the ambition of promoting diverse, 公平的, and inclusive practices in libraries – a critical resource for all students. 它提供了使图书馆对所有学生更友好和更方便的见解, 不管他们的背景如何.

If you’d like to suggest something for this list, let us know: (电子邮件保护).





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Rediscover the joy of digital advertising

Champion connections instead of clicks. Capture 观众s' imaginations, not just their attention. Boldly move to your own beat instead of letting tech set the pace. It’s time to rediscover the joy of digital.